I've spent the past 11+ years working across various areas in the Tech world. My journey with computers started at a young age and
since then it's been an adventure. For the Web, I started with Wordpress to create Websites for Businesses and also ran a Business Blog using the Wordpress Platform
to showcase and tell the story of Nigerian Businesses for about 5 years until it got hacked (story for another time).
Currently I work with Web Technologies like HTML | CSS | Javascript to create amazing web products. I enjoy learning a lot
and I'm continuously improving my skills in Javascript and React.
My current trajectory and Interests : Web Development | Cyber Security *Application Security* and Salesforce Development.
I've taken up different roles with top Tech companies and also SMEs such as:
I am proficient in HTML and CSS but have built some other simple projects with JavaScript, Here are some of the tools I use for Web Development